Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wisdom in a Mystery

As I look back and compare the dates and events from the past it is uncanny how they correlate exactly with all the esoteric literature I have been studying. Everything that happened to us happened with purpose to guide us to where we are today on this wonderful, magical journey of self-discovery. For me now, the past, the present and the future seem to all be coming together like a giant picture puzzle that I have been working on all this time. I have all the pieces and now I just have to fit them all together. This is fun!! Boy! Thank goodness I kept such a detailed record of all this ‘cause I sure wouldn’t be able to put it together from memory. I would just have a jumbled mess of information rattling around in my brain. There’s so much I have forgotten…like my upcoming visit to a psychic for the second time.

I walked into my appointment and was met by a very pleasant, very bubbly woman named Dickie Motherwell. She was so……normal! I liked her and felt totally at ease with her. She began the reading speaking about my husband’s new business “it had the potential to make an unbelievable amount of money. In just a few years you will be millionaires.” (She was correct in this assumption because our lawyer had told Roy that he had come up with a license to print money.) My reaction? That’s nice, but I am not involved in his business and I want to hear about Caprice. She asked “is this your second marriage?” Yes. “Let me see your left hand. Oh! You are a healer. My goodness….” and she carried on leaving me wondering what she meant by that remark. What is a healer I wonder? She said I went through a shift in consciousness when I divorced my first husband at the age of 31 and I was going through another one now, to awareness on another level???? “Books will come to you, people will give them to you;" (hah! Well, at least I understand that!) “Your house will become a whirlwind of activity with lots of people coming and going. Crystals. Lots of crystals around you for a calming effect; many people coming to your house; whirlwind energy; Hawaii, Maui. Do you like Hawaii? The next 25 years is the highlight of this incarnation, huge change in your vibration;???? I think you are really sick of your business; I don’t see you in it for much longer. ?????” Then she really threw me… “because you are a walk-in soul - do you know anything about walk-ins?” No, (but I’m going to I thought to myself). Regarding Caprice she described a very good marriage and that she was going to live a long life. (When Caprice heard this later she was very happy to find out she wasn’t different from her sister after all).

There was more information directly related to family which was interesting and quite relevant to the present, but then she went on to describe what I was feeling inside about my present situation and it did not fit at all. It does however, fit where I am today 23 years later! She went on to describe something I would be doing in partnership with another woman. She said “you are very good friends”, and she described her physical appearance and her personality in detail. I recognize this person as someone I know today, but did not know then. Go figure! Seems as though these readings can go on forever.

Before I left Dickie made the comment that she would like to know what her sister Shanon would have to say about me, as she too was a psychic who did automatic writing. She was booked until January but I could call her. She also had another sister, Shera in Calgary, also a practicing psychic, who taught classes and I took her number as well.

Some of the events predicted in this reading did not come to fruition, like becoming millionaires and Caprice getting married. This being said, much of what followed in the days and months and years to follow did come true. I have come to understand that we heard what we needed to hear at the time in order to keep us motivated in the right direction and give us hope for the future.

In the movie Matrix the lead character Neo is thought to be the ONE. He is taken to see the all-knowing Oracle to confirm this fact, but sadly she says he is not the ONE. Of course by the end of the movie we all know this was not the truth. Now why would she tell him no when she knew all along he was? Ah! Wisdom in a mystery. I know the answer, do you?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for e-mailing, I am caught up now. The reaction I always have is wanting more, if this were a book it would be a page turner. I don't know the answer?? Who is the mysterious women?? Can't wait to find out!!!
