Thursday, July 29, 2010

Think, Think, Think. - Winnie The Pooh

“Thinking adds not one whit to thy stature materially, but mentally, spiritually, it may produce the revolution which brings peace and harmony into the world.” Edgar Cayce

Even though I had so much changing in my material world, as I read back in my journals it was what was happening in my spiritual world that is recorded. I did have a record of the sale of our stores and Roy’s business affairs, which to me were major turning points in our lives, but I am remembering other turning points that came later and when I go to see what I was writing at the time – nothing! Not a line! How can this be? - I am asking myself. To my mind they were so important, but my journals are just filled, page after page, with the list of names of people coming to me for healings, quote after quote from the books I was reading and how all of these things related to our spiritual quest. Well!!! It is written that the way to spiritual enlightenment is to have one pointed focus so I suppose one could say I was on my way!

Since writing my last post something is sure ‘turning my crank’. If I have learned anything over all these years, it is to pay attention to the signals coming from my body and – boy, am I getting signals! I wrote another post the day after my last one, but when I read it again I felt - I am missing something – something important to me. I know this because since my last writing I am experiencing all manner of uncomfortable body sensations. I go to bed feeling exhausted and cannot sleep. Then I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, my head full of what I should write and then, when I wake up it is all gone. I am having moments of feeling a weakness in my legs, dizzy spells and my stomach starts churning. I know this sounds like something is really wrong with me physically, but I have learned - ‘thanks to the memories’ - that the thoughts in my head are directly related to what is happening in my body so….all I have to do is think about where my thoughts have been and - bingo! - my last post! This body reaction always happens when I am about to make a big breakthrough in understanding the spiritual significance for any particular experience in my physical life. Trust me. There is a vast difference between the two.

So? Here I sit, thinking, thinking, thinking, (as Caprice’s namesake, Winnie The Pooh would say) trying to put my finger on what is so darned important it’s stopping me from moving on until I ‘get it’.

Read it again Elizabeth! What were you writing that started all this? It is somehow connected to those who were coming to me in so much pain and the gratitude I saw on their faces after they received healing. More than that, it was the shock on their faces when they asked me how much and I told them there was no charge that created a sense of anxiety in me. Suddenly I became some kind of savior and I did not like it, not one little bit! I was just another human being just like them that had somehow uncovered a secret weapon against illness. Only problem was I had no control over it and until I did? I could not take credit for any outcome. Actually, the opposite occurred within me. I felt so humbled by their thanks, so small and insignificant in the face of something that was much bigger than little old me, but they refused to believe it wasn’t me. This became one of the most difficult challenges I faced as a ‘healer’.

Rod Campbell, the healer from New Zealand, entered the picture. He telephoned shortly after Roy and I had the idea to sell our stores asking if he could come and see us. I was surprised, but happy, to hear from him. Maybe he is coming to help me in some way? I was so busy doing healings on so many people I looked forward to having another person to talk to who could maybe shed some light on what I was doing it all for. As soon as he walked through our door he said our house was special, that he felt incredible power and knew then why he had been ‘sent’ to us. He seemed as happy to be with us as we were to be with him. It is a lonely life being a ‘healer’ it would seem. Just like the quote from my last post, Rod’s sole (soul) reason for doing what he did was for God and his fellow men, period. But where did that leave me? What was my soul reason?

“Love for others must come before love of self. As this ongoing healing is practiced changes in lifestyle and attitudes occur as well as changes physically and spiritually”.
His Healing Touch – Michael Buckley

I had been doing healings on others for months. As I ‘practiced’ I did indeed begin to notice ‘changes physically’ in my body. I was having all manner of strange sensations from a ringing in my ears, nose running like a tap, burning up and down my spine, head tingling, entire body shaking, heart pumping, stomach churning, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, and then the head cracks began. The first time was at my daughter Lisa’s when out-of-the-blue it felt to me like the back of my skull cracked open. It only lasted a second, but boy, it stopped me in my tracks. I continued to experience these for years to come, always unexpectedly. I was also having vivid, wild dreams that, like most dreams made no sense, but they did serve a purpose that I could not have known at the time.

-A large, black dog came into our house, very gentle and friendly - large, furry paw on the roof of our house – looked like a Muppet’s paw. The dream ended with me in my car driving down a street that looked familiar to me and I thought, ‘oh, that’s the street Shera lives on’. As I continued on there was a small building in the middle of the street blocking my way and at that moment my car took off and I was flying through the sky and a tremendous jolt of energy shot through my body. Initially I was frightened, but my fear was soon gone when I realized I was floating through the air. I can still remember the feeling of peace and quiet as I floated along looking down at the ground below me. Our dog, Muffin, woke me up and my legs were numb and my feet felt heavy.

-Caprice was being hurt by someone and I laid my hands on her and called on the Divine and instantly felt the energy through my entire upper body. It woke me up.

-Caprice and I were sitting on the kitchen counter and a man with long, black hair was speaking to us. I leaned over and put my hands on her legs and my entire upper body and arms went numb as the electricity shot into her. Then she got up and walked!

Understand this. I am not relating these strange happenings because I think they in themselves were important. What is important is how, in each experience of this nature, my body was adjusting in a safe way to being able to handle the enormous amount of energy that flowed through it every time I did a healing.

“All healing of whatever kind is of the whole person. There is no healing, however physical it may be, which does not affect the emotion and the soul.”

“For every physical reaction there is a metaphysical reason.”

Well, well! Imagine that! I wrote these quotes and the one above in my journal the same day Rod called to see if he could come for a visit! I didn’t know why they caught my attention then, but I sure do now and I shall try to explain why this is. It has given me the clue I have been looking for, the reason why I hit a stumbling block trying to write this next post. It is all connected to the phrase; ‘It’s not the destination, but the journey that counts’. I did not know I had a particular destination, but another part of me that I did not know existed obviously did. The only way to get the information I needed to know into my brain was to use my life circumstances to keep me pointed in the right direction. These quotes, simply put, contained all I ever needed to learn, but of course, I was still ‘thinking like a human’. Still, there they have sat all these years, the basis of everything that followed from that day forward.

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