Friday, July 23, 2010

Something’s Happening Here!

Journal entry; March/1988: “the sole reason for any intensive cultivation of this or any other faculty is the desire to know in order to serve and that service is to God and his fellow man.” W.E. Butler - ‘How to Read the Aura Practice Psychometry, Telepathy and Clairvoyance’

By the time spring arrived, Shera had become a regular visitor to our home and - let me tell you! - having a psychic for a friend is very interesting. Out of the blue she would voluntarily give us readings and most of them involved Roy and his business plans. Selling boats and motors and snowmobiles had not proven to be very lucrative and when the opportunity came to become a distributor for a line of golf cars things began to look up. Shera’s readings confirmed what her sister Dickie Motherwell had also predicted. The business was going to be hugely successful and make a great deal of money. Now, if what she was telling us hadn’t appeared to be a fact in actuality it would have been silly for us to believe this, but the truth was, things really did appear to be heading in that direction. The golf business was booming and, sure enough, three months after Shera said this, Roy came up with the brilliant idea to lease the cars to golf courses instead of selling them and the rest, as they say, is history. Even our lawyer said to Roy that he had come up with a ‘license to print money’. To this end he started up a leasing company and slowly began the process of selling off all the stock, closing down the original business and opening up a new company under a different name that was to be devoted entirely to the golf business. It all looked so promising that when Shera spoke of how this new company would eventually generate huge sums of money and have branches all across the country it didn’t sound so out of sight to us. She spoke of having investments in real estate, money pouring in, people calling him to go into business with them, etc. etc. etc. Is it any wonder I felt secure and safe to follow my dream of healing Caprice with no worries? With financial security, (our two original stores were still doing very well providing us with a secure income) there was no pressure for me to go to work every day, I had the freedom to put all my attention on delving into the ‘Mysteries’. With our first business I had always had a say in anything that involved our finances. We were a team. But when he wanted to branch out and sell ‘boy-toys’ I opted to let him run with it, along with our two sons and son in-law, without me. It was a guy thing after all. As I was not a partner I was not involved and really didn’t want to be. Remember that phrase Julia Roberts says in the movie Pretty Woman? ‘Mistake, BIG mistake!!!

While all this was going on, I had somehow been ‘found out’. I am not sure how it happened, but other people were now calling me for healings and just as Dickie Motherwell had predicted, our house became a whirlwind of activity. They came with all manner of ailments, but they all had one thing in common. They were tired, in pain and afraid of what was happening to them with nowhere else to turn. What I know now is that it wasn’t just the healing ‘treatments’ that made the difference. It was the fact that someone cared; someone gave them their time and asked for nothing in return; someone who listened to them; someone who ‘believed’ in them. However! I did not know this then. I thought it was all happening because I had some kind of healing ability. Didn’t know what I was doing, but if people were willing to believe in me I was willing to give it a try.

These people that came to me were my greatest gift. It is because of them I learned that physical pain is not all it seems to be. It is the end result of a lifetime of ignoring the signals from our other bodies. Yes! I said, other bodies. Bet you’re just like I was and didn’t know this! Along with the physical, outer body, we have three more; a mental body, an emotional body and a spiritual body. These three are the ones that those who are called ‘healers’ are able to feel in the space surrounding the physical body that are otherwise ignored by the average person. It is these three invisible bodies that are the primary focus of one who does spiritual healing work, not so much the physical. Depending on the individual there may be relief from physical pain, but it will be short-lived if the cause of the pain is in one or more of the other three ‘bodies’ and are not acknowledged and dealt with as well. We go to a medical doctor and receive physical remedies to relieve the pain in the form of drugs and surgeries. We go to a spiritual ‘doctor’ with the same expectation; the “you-fix-me-because-I-do-not-have-time-to-be-sick” attitude and herein arose my problem. Just like everyone else, I thought if the physical pain was relieved the task was done, problem solved - right? Wrong Elizabeth!

Those who came to me would usually feel a relief from their pain and go home feeling ‘healed’. But? They kept coming back to me when their pain returned, just as we do with the medical doctors. This bothered me. I seemed to ‘tune’ into the hidden reasons for illness - reasons we do not want to look at – in the emotional, mental realms and not so much the physical. I wanted to know why the physical pain disappeared only to return. My thoughts would go to Jesus Christ and my vision of Him. Why me? If the stories written about Him were true He was able to heal the whole body, not just one part of it. So? If I was unable to do the same (and I couldn’t) then I could not claim to be a healer - and so I never thought of myself as such a one. But others did and this created a great deal of conflict in me.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do also.”( John 14: 12 – 13)

Oh! How I wanted to believe this; needed to believe this; but I knew nothing about this man called Jesus. I didn’t fool myself that I could, in any way, do the things that He did. How ridiculous would that be? Still, there had to be a reason He had suddenly become a part of my life and, however vague, something was percolating inside my brain. It just hadn’t surfaced yet.

Meanwhile, I still had some responsibilities with work and in May Lisa and I headed to Toronto on a buying trip. These trips gave us an opportunity to have one-on-one time together and we always had such a fun time. However, this time I found myself strangely bored with it all and when I came home I wrote in my journal - ‘I feel something is coming to an end for me. I feel I won’t be going back again. Feels good though.’

Roy and I had a partner in our two stores, (I’ll get around to how this came about later I am sure). His name was Jerome and he had several other stores all in which he had partners like us. Once a year we all met to discuss business matters and so, shortly after writing the above in my journal, Roy and I headed to Calgary for the annual meeting. We left the meeting feeling frustrated. We just didn’t fit in with what had now become a very big business (forty stores). Our way was just too simple for the rest of the partners to understand and the arguing and disagreements and the bickering that went on at these meetings did not sit well with us. In the car driving home out of my mouth came the words, ‘maybe we should sell our shares’. I mean, after all, Roy’s attention was on his new business and mine – well - we know where mine was. Shortly thereafter, decision made, we met with Jerome to tell him we wished to sell and he had two people working for him that might be interested. Remember Shera’s reading in March? Well, she had mentioned a shift in the ownership of our stores and that two others would buy the partnership, but the money would come in two stages. Sure enough! We did sell and in September the deal was done, but the money, a very large sum, did indeed come in two separate payments, one in September and the final one in December. Now I ask you. Is it any wonder I began to believe?

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